Nikita Mndoyants
Nikita Mndoyants

”There comes a time when, when a new talent performs on stage in such an exceptional way, that there's not much else to say, other than to simply applaud.” Gramophone

Winner of the prestigious Cleveland International Piano Competition 2016 and the Paderewsky
Competition in Poland 2007, and member of the Steinway Prizewinner Concerts Network, Nikita
Mndoyants was awarded the prestigious Prix Nelly Lefèvre 2023 by the Le Goélands Foundation
in Paris.
Trained at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, he has since collaborated with eminent
conductors such as Charles Dutoit, Leonard Slatkin, Dmitry Sitkovetsky, Alexander Rudin etc.,
leading prestigious orchestras: Cleveland, Mariinsky, Saint Petersburg etc. He has won acclaim
in the world's greatest concert halls: Carnegie Hall, the Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow, the
Auditorium du Louvre and the Salle Cortot in Paris, the Bozar Center for Fine Arts (Brussels),
the Elbphilharmonie (Hamburg), Dubai... Since his first concert with the Borodin Quartet in 2004,
he has pursued his passion for chamber music with the Brentano, Eben, Zemlinsky and
Szymanowsky Quartets. His partners include up-and-coming artists such as pianists Jonathan
Fournel, Alexander Ghindin and Vyacheslav Gryaznov, violinists Dmitry Sitkovetsky, Andrej
Bielow and Valeriy Sokolov, cellists Lev Sivkov and Evgeny Rumyantsev, and clarinettists
Patrick Messina and Staffan Mårtensson. A recording of 'Prokofiev' for the French label Aparté
is expected in early 2024. Nikita Mndoyants, also an award-winning composer, has been living
in France since 2022.

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