Brahms : Intermezzi, Rhapsodies
François Chaplin
AP173 - 1CD - 72' - Jun 14, 2019

Following a previous recording devoted to Mozart, François Chaplin has chosen Brahms' latest opus for solo piano: Rhapsodies, op. 79 and the intermezzi from Klavierstücke, op. 117 and 118.

The Rhapsodies, moving and powerful scores, express Brahms' sober melancholy. Far from his symphonic works, the interludes of opus 117 and 118, true miniatures, reveal the inner imagination of the composer.
Brahms talks directly to the heart of the listener with his mature and sober poetry. Within these Klavierstücke, the interlude is a humble but generous genre where the musician gathers freely the fruits of his most intimate inspiration.

These « lullabies of pain », as he called them, are composed during summer in the Austrian countryside, dear to this sturdy northern German.

The emotion that emerges from it is all the more intense as it measures his artistic evolution. On this journey, François Chaplin brings out a soft poetry from a contained lyricism.


Six Pièces pour piano op. 118
1. Intermezzo en la mineur Allegro non assai, ma molto appassionato
2. Intermezzo en la majeur Andante teneramente
3. Ballade en sol mineur Allegro energico
4. Intermezzo en fa mineur Allegretto un poco agitato
5. Romanze en fa majeur Andante
6. Intermezzo en mi bémol mineur Andante, largo e mesto

Quatre Pièces pour piano op. 119
7. Intermezzo en si mineur Adagio
8. Intermezzo en mi mineur Andantino un poco agitato
9. Intermezzo en do majeur Grazioso e giocoso
10. Rhapsodie en mi bémol majeur Allegro risoluto

Deux Rhapsodies op. 79
11. Rhapsodie no 1 en si mineur Agitato
12. Rhapsodie no 2 en sol mineur Molto passionato, ma non troppo allegro

Trois Intermezzi op. 117
13. Intermezzo en mi bémol majeur Andante moderato
14. Intermezzo en si bémol mineur Andante non troppo e con molto espressione
15. Intermezzo en do dièse mineur Andante con moto

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